Town of Sharon

Community Preservation Committee

Minutes of 1/28/10

Amended and Approved 2/25/10

Sharon Recreation Department


Committee Attendees

Corey Snow, Chair  

Jane Desberg, Treasurer - absent

Meredith de Carbonnel

Susan Rich  

Allen Garf

Amanda Sloan


Meeting Initiation

Chair Snow called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM and reviewed the Chair Report.

Mr. Snow reported that he spoke with Town Treasurer, Bill Fowler, regarding the CPC debt. The Horizons for Youth bond of $950,000 for five years was issued as a long term bond. The Glenview purchase of $750,000 due to market conditions was never issued as a long term bond so it can be paid down early. It comes due on 6/11. Mr. Snow stated that Mr. Fowler said that if a substantial pay down is made; it would turn this borrowing into a short term debt. This could potentially be paid by fiscal 2012. Mr. Garf suggested paying the debt down to keep it in short term. Ms. de Carbonnel agreed it was a good idea to pay down the debt and keep some monies for projects.


Mr. Snow reported that after discussion with Jane Desberg, he is expecting two project applications from the Sharon Housing Partnership and one from the Sharon Housing Authority. 1) A request for monies for exterior improvements to the family housing development at 21 South Pleasant Street and 2) A project to hire a consultant to analyze Town owned land that could be developed for affordable housing.


Sharon Civil Defense – potential project

The Committee was provided with a copy of a request from Michael Corman at the Sharon Civil Defense to replace windows and doors at 213R South Main Street at an estimated cost of $15,000 for fiscal 2011. Ms. Rich agreed to call the CP Coalition to determine if this request is a valid project for CPC. The review of this item will be tabled until the next meeting.


Historic Inventory

Ms. Rich stated that there were no updates to provide for this project. It has not moved forward. The project needs to be put out to bid.


Open Space and Recreation Plan

It was reported that in a meeting two weeks prior, the Open Space and Recreation Plan which had been submitted to the state for comments had been received back.  The Committee received comments from the State and updated the plan.


Sharon Conservation Commission – potential project

A project was received from the Conservation Commission for monies to have the Audubon Society monitor the Conservation Restriction held on Town owned land and Massapoag Sportsmen’s Club land. The requested fees are $20,000. Mr. Garf said he would like to confirm if this project falls under the CPC funds statute. Ms. Rich said she would call the CP Coalition to determine if this project qualifies for CP funds.


Annual Town Report

Mr. Snow prepared the 2009 Annual CPC Town Report section. It was reviewed and approved by the Committee.


Meeting Minutes

Mr. Garf moved to accept the minutes of 10/14/09. Ms. Rich seconded the motion and the Committee voted 4-0-1 in favor. (Ms. Sloan abstained as she was not in attendance at the 10/16 meeting.


Next Meeting Dates

2/25 – start time changed to 7:30 PM at the request of Ms. Rich.


Meeting Adjournment

Mr. Garf moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 pm and Ms. de Carbonnel seconded the motion. The Committee voted 5-0-0 in favor.